Motif 3: 45 Degrees A.D. 575-650
5MT9168.5 5MT9168.2.b
Anasazi Heritage Center, Bureau of Land Management
Anasazi Heritage Center, Bureau of Land Management
5MV1200.24264.a 5MV1285.37864.d
National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park
National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park
Collections of the Navajo Nation, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Laboratory of Anthropology
Collections of the Navajo Nation, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Laboratory of Anthropology
Five artifacts, representing four or five bowls, comprise the 45-degree assemblage for the period A.D. 575-650. They are from four sites: three in Montezuma County, Colorado and one in McKinley County, New Mexico. All five artifacts depict the motif on a solid base line over rows of dots. Three of the motifs face right and two face left.