Motif 2 Forms
Motif 2 is derived from the head of Motif 1. It exhibits several of the Motif 1 variations, and several of its own unique variations. This motif occurs in three forms: Triangular, T-shaped and Line.
In cases where a sherd is too fragmentary to determine whether the artifact is "just" Motif 2 or the head of Motif 1, the item is classified as Motif 2. This could result in the over-representation of Motif 2 and the under-representation of Motif 1, and is thus a possible source of data bias.
In cases where a sherd is too fragmentary to determine whether the artifact is "just" Motif 2 or the head of Motif 1, the item is classified as Motif 2. This could result in the over-representation of Motif 2 and the under-representation of Motif 1, and is thus a possible source of data bias.
a b c d e
The Triangular form can be plain or necked. It can be attached to a base line (a), floating (b), stepped (c), stacked (d) or perched on the apex of an angle (e). It is always paint-filled.
a b c d
The T-shaped form can be attached to a base line (a), floating (b), stepped (c) or joined by inversion (d). It is always paint-filled.
The Line form usually contains 3-6 parallel lines. This form has two types - the horizontal line (left two) and the vertical line (right). The horizontal line type can occur with or without an underlying paint-filled triangle, and can be either attached to a line or floating. The vertical line type is currently represented in the data base by only one complete example (5DL1138), in spite of the fact that as a component of Motif 1, it is fairly common.