Motif 7 in the Basketmaker III Period
Motif 7 is characterized by paint-filled triangles. These are usually arrayed along the base line of a stepped polygon, or the framing line of a rectangle. The triangles range from purely geometric to subtriangular with rounded corners.
Precursors of Motif 7 in the Basketmaker II Period
AMNH H-12642 AMNH H-12445
Courtesy of the Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History Photographs by Laurie Webster |
Cat. No. 21704*
Courtesy of The Field Museum, Photograph by Laurie Webster 1624 +/- 49 BP, 326-552 cal AD (median 438 cal AD) (Webster 2013) |
Precursors' Progeny
5MT1.9671.z University of Colorado Natural History Museum
5DL112.22.38 b Anasazi Heritage Center, Bureau of Land Management
AZ.E8.10.A-50067 Arizona State Museum
LA61956.2039 (cat.38883) Collections of the Navajo Nation, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Laboratory of Anthropology
42SA6396.1389 Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum
5MV1940.48043.PL48 National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park