Motif 2 in the Basketmaker III Period
Motif 2 is derived from the head of Motif 1. Motif 2 occurs in three forms: Triangular, T-shaped and Line. Of relevance to this report is the Triangular Form, in particular the stepped and stacked types.
baseline floating stepped stacked on apex of angle
Stylized drawings by author of the five types of Motif 2 Triangular Form.
Precursors of Motif 2 in the Basketmaker II Period
Eleven textiles display designs that can reasonably be viewed as precursors of the Triangular Form of Motif 2. Of these 11, nine resemble the Stepped type and two resemble the Stacked type.
Motif 2, Triangular Form, Stepped Type
Eight of the nine Stepped textiles are associated with Motif 1 multi-tiered figures, as previously discussed in "BMII & M1". The stepped heads are arranged in parallel lines along the outside edges of the figures in all instances, regardless of the number of tiers, or whether the design layout is zig-zag or straight line.
PM# 16-9-10/A3903 Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Plate 26.d (Guernsey and Kidder 1921)
PM# 16-9-10/A2788 Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Date: 190 B.C. +/- 85 years (PMAE website)
Plate 26.d (Guernsey and Kidder 1921)
The four sets of stepped triangles along the rim create four seven-tiered figures (below, in yellow). The four sets of stepped triangles attached to the basket's center circle create four ten-tiered figures (below, in lavender).
This basket rim fragment displays two stepped triangles with a third possible triangle indicating an upward turn in the zig-zag line.
PM# 16-9-10/A2884 Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
H-13457 Courtesy of the Division of Anthropology,
American Museum of Natural History Photograph by Laurie Webster |
Middle third: two sets of two zig-zag rows. Each of the zig-zag rows are composed of 11 complete heads and two half-heads, one on each end of the row. In relation to the upright black figures, the color order is red-black. In relation to the inverted red figures, the color order is black-red. The peaks of the zig-zag rows align vertically with the head of the figures.
[Note: Slits in the band have damaged both sets of rows; I have assumed that symmetry prevails. Gray in the stylized drawing below denotes uncertainty due to this damage.] |
Rim Band: a row of red triangles above, alternating with a row of black triangles below. If these are heads, the upper red row is inverted and the lower black row is upright.
Upper and Lower Bands: the upright black multi-tiered figures are all bordered by stepped rows of red triangles, while the inverted red multi-tiered figures are all bordered by stepped row of black triangles. The rows of black and red triangles create empty-space multi-tiered figures; only the lowest figures rest on a base line. |
Plate 28 (Guernsey and Kidder 1921)
PM# 16-9-10/A2790 Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.
Radiocarbon dated: 190 B.C. +/- 85 years (PMAE website) |
Two lines of black stepped triangles converge above the head of the inverted red multi-tiered figure.
Based on Plate 26.d (below right), this textile fragment once had two sets of three rows of zig-zag lines over a single row of unconnected, inverted, necked (upper row) and un-necked (lower row) heads. These are the only examples of "floating" heads observed during this research. Damage to the fabric since the drawing was produced in 1921 has removed the upper four rows entirely, and eliminated portions of the lower four rows.
Based on Plate 26.d (below right), this textile fragment once had two sets of three rows of zig-zag lines over a single row of unconnected, inverted, necked (upper row) and un-necked (lower row) heads. These are the only examples of "floating" heads observed during this research. Damage to the fabric since the drawing was produced in 1921 has removed the upper four rows entirely, and eliminated portions of the lower four rows.
PM# 17-34-10/A3576 (Cave 11) Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Plate 26.d (Guernsey and Kidder 1921)
This fragment appears to depict portions of five red tiers mounted on a wide red baseline. The tiers are bordered by five (or possibly six) stepped black triangles.
PM#16-9-10/A3157 Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
PM# 16-9-10/A2906 Peabody Museum Expedition, Samuel J. Guernsey, Director, 1916. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Based on Plate 24.i, the two panels on this basket each exhibit a diamond-shaped arrangement of 18 stepped necked heads that completely enclose two joined three-tiered figures.
Two pairs of these heads are joined (below, right and left sides). These are the only examples observed during BMII research of joined necked heads. stylized drawing by author of heads (black)
in relation to joined three-tiered figures (gray). Plate 24.i (Guernsey and Kidder 1921)
Motif 2, Triangular Form, Stacked Type
The two Stacked textiles share two characteristics relevant to this project. They exhibits stacks considerably taller than any known BMIII stacks, and they are associated with plain bands of zig-zag lines (Motif 8).
As shown in Plate 26.a, the lower half of this bag displays seven columnar, multi-tiered figures. Each figure is composed of at least seven (and more likely ten) stacked, necked heads.
These figures are connected horizontally be means of a narrow red line which rests on the tops of the third set of heads. The figures alternate black and red, and are overlain by broad red and black zig-zag lines. Plate 26.a (PMAE 16-9-10/A3087) Guernsey and Kidder 1921
Two columnar, multi-tiered figures project from this basket's small center circle. The upper one is composed of seven stacked heads, of which only two (those proximal and distal to circle) display obvious necks. The distal one also displays a small protrusion from the top of the head. The lower figure is composed of four full stacked heads and a half-head (?). This possible half-head is attached at an angle similar to those which attach the other two elements on the circle. The center two heads both are necked, and the distal head displays a small protrusion from its top. The design complex is rimmed by a zig-zag line (Motif 8).
Plate 24.j (PMAE 16-9-10/A3000) Guernsey and Kidder 1921