Project: page 2
The following table lists the facilities which house artifacts, or photographs of artifacts, used on this project. Most of the artifacts were photographed at their respective museums by the author. Exceptions to this are those artifacts (approximately 100) that are curated in Massachusetts, New York, and Washington D.C., and those artifacts that have been reburied, misplaced or lost; in these cases the author has obtained the relevant artifact photographs from previously published reports, museum archives or through the help of museum personnel or research associates.
State City Facility
AZ Flagstaff Museum of Northern Arizona
Tucson Arizona State Museum
CO Boulder University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
Cortez Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Woods Canyon Archaeological Consultants
Dolores Anasazi Heritage Center, Bureau of Land Management
Private Collection
Mesa Verde Mesa Verde National Park
MA Cambridge Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
NM Albuquerque Chaco Culture National Historical Park Museum
Santa Fe Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Laboratory of Anthropology
NY New York American Museum of Natural History, Division of Anthropology
UT Blanding Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum
Salt Lake City Natural History Museum of Utah
Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution, Department of Anthropology
AZ Flagstaff Museum of Northern Arizona
Tucson Arizona State Museum
CO Boulder University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
Cortez Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Woods Canyon Archaeological Consultants
Dolores Anasazi Heritage Center, Bureau of Land Management
Private Collection
Mesa Verde Mesa Verde National Park
MA Cambridge Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
NM Albuquerque Chaco Culture National Historical Park Museum
Santa Fe Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Laboratory of Anthropology
NY New York American Museum of Natural History, Division of Anthropology
UT Blanding Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum
Salt Lake City Natural History Museum of Utah
Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution, Department of Anthropology